
Facade Grants and BEAF Loans

The Downtown Danville Partnership is committed to helping businesses in Downtown Danville thrive by providing funds through the Business Enhancement and Attraction Fund (BEAF). These are divided up throughout the year in smaller grants for facade improvements (including awnings and signs) our larger loans for more substantial structural work on the exterior of buildings.

Interested in learning more about these programs? Contact the Town Planner, Lesa Ternet (317.745.4180 ext. 1101 or to see if your business qualifies.

Follow What's Happening

Did you know during scares on the square? We have over 28 cars participating in trunk or treat grab your costumes and get ready for some spooky treats ...

Spooktacular FAQs leading up to the scares on the square October 26 ...

Numbers are out and ready for voting!
Who is your favorite scarecrow! We have more popping up left and right as well!

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